Overview of the Apache TPF Port
[ Configuration
Files | What's
Available | CGI Scripts |
Options | Porting Notes ]
This version of Apache includes changes allowing it to run
on IBM's EBCDIC-based TPF
(Transaction Processing Facility) operating system.
Unless otherwise noted TPF version 4.1 PUT09 is
Refer to install-tpf.html for
step-by-step installation instructions.
This port builds upon the EBCDIC
changes previously made to Apache.
Apache Configuration Files
The distributed configuration files (httpd.conf-dist and
mime.types, both located in the conf subdirectory) work on TPF.
Performance considerations may dictate setting KeepAlive to
"Off" (the default is "On") or lowering the Timeout value from
the default 300 seconds (5 minutes) in order to reduce the
number of active ECBs on your system.
What's Available in this Version
The Apache organization provides online documentation
describing the various modules and components of the
Components/modules tested on TPF:
- alloc.c
- ap_base64.c
- ap_checkpass.c
- ap_cpystrn.c
- ap_ebcdic.c
- ap_fnmatch.c
- ap_md5c.c
- ap_sha1.c
- ap_signal.c
- ap_slack.c
- ap_snprintf.c
- buff.c
- buildmark.c
- gen_test.char.c
- gen_uri_delims.c
- htpasswd.c (requires PUT10)
- http_config.c
- http_core.c
- http_log.c
- http_main.c
- http_protocol.c
- http_request.c
- http_vhost.c
- logresolve.c (requires PUT10)
- mod_access.c (Use of mod_access directives
"allow from" & "deny from"
with host names (verses ip addresses) requires
- mod_actions.c
- mod_alias.c
- mod_asis.c
- mod_auth.c
- mod_auth_anon.c
- mod_autoindex.c
- mod_cern_meta.c
- mod_cgi.c (requires PUT10)
- mod_digest.c
- mod_dir.c
- mod_env.c
- mod_example.c
- mod_expires.c
- mod_headers.c
- mod_imap.c
- mod_include.c (CGI execution requires TPF version 4.1
- mod_info.c
- mod_log_agent.c
- mod_log_config.c
- mod_log_referer.c
- mod_mime.c
- mod_mime_magic.c
- mod_negotiation.c
- mod_put.c
(third party module)
- mod_proxy.c
- mod_setenvif.c
- mod_speling.c
- mod_status.c
- mod_tpf_shm_static.c (third party module, requires
- mod_unique_id.c (requires PUT10)
- mod_userdir.c
- mod_usertrack.c
- os.c
- os-inline.c
- proxy_cache.c
- proxy_connect.c
- proxy_ftp.c
- proxy_http.c
- proxy_util.c
- regular expression parser
- regular expression test tool (requires
- rfc1413.c
- rotatelogs.c (requires PUT10; if PJ27214 implemented be sure to apply PJ28367)
- util.c
- util_date.c
- util_md5.c
- util_script.c
- util_uri.c
Components/modules not yet supported on TPF:
- htdigest.c
- lib/expat-lite
- mod_auth_digest.c
- mod_rewrite.c
- mod_vhost_alias.c
Components/modules that don't apply or that probably won't
ever be available on TPF:
- ab.c
- ap_getpass.c
- mod_auth_db.c
- mod_auth_dbm.c
- mod_auth_db.module
- mod_mmap_static.c
- mod_so.c
- suexec.c
How to Use CGI Scripts
The following is a very simple example of a CGI script
("Hello World") and the necessary steps to run it.
Refer to the mod_cgi
module for additional information.
Add necessary directives to httpd.conf:
ScriptLog logs/script_log
ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/ /usr/local/apache/cgi-bin/
A request for
would cause the server to run the script
Create the CGI script:
For this example QZZ1 is the name of the TPF
program that will be executed by the CGI script.
The directory path must match what is in the httpd.conf file
for ScriptAlias directive.
zfile echo "#!QZZ1" >
zfile cat
(this should display #!QZZ1)
Mark the script as executable:
zfile chmod 755
Create, load, and activate a loadset containing the CGI
program (QZZ1xx):
/** QZZ1-- simple "Hello world" program to demonstrate
basic CGI output **/
#include <stdio.h>
void main() {
/** Print the CGI response header, required for all
HTML output. **/
/** Note the extra \n, to send the blank line. **/
printf("Content-type: text/html\n\n");
/** Print the HTML response page to stdout. **/
printf("<head><title> CGI Output
printf("<h1> Hello world </h1> \n");
Request the CGI script from a browser:
How to Use Apache Command Line Options
You cannot run Apache from the command line on TPF. However
you can use those Apache command line options which don't
actually start the server. This requires PJ27277 which shipped
on PUT13.
Supported Apache options:
-d directory
Specify an alternate initial ServerRoot directory.
Default is /usr/local/apache.
-f file
Specify an alternate server configuration file.
Default is conf/httpd.conf.
List a short summary of available command line options.
(Note that this outputs all options, not just those supported
on TPF.)
List modules compiled into the server.
List available configuration directives. (Note that this
outputs all configuration directives, not just those
supported on TPF.)
Show the settings as parsed from the configuration file.
Currently only shows the virtualhost settings.
Run syntax tests for configuration files (with document root
Run syntax tests for configuration files (without document
root checks)
Show the version number.
Show the version number and various compile settings.
See http://httpd.apache.org/docs/programs/httpd.html
for more information about these command line options.
Note: On TPF Apache arguments are supported only on the
command line, not through the ZINET XPARM field.
Ensure Apache (CHTA) is loaded
Create the httpd script:
zfile echo "#!CHTA" > /bin/httpd
zfile cat /bin/httpd (this should display
Mark the script as executable:
zfile chmod 755 /bin/httpd
(See "ZFILE-Activate a TPF Segment or Script" in
the Operations guide for more information: http://www.ibm.com/tpf/pubs/tpfpubs.htm.)
Example 1
zfile httpd -v
FILE0001I 11.43.09 START OF DISPLAY FROM httpd
Server version: Apache/1.3.20 (TPF)
Server built: May 23 2001 09:39:22
Example 2
zfile httpd -t -f
-t ...
Syntax OK
Porting Notes
Changes made due to differences between UNIX and TPF's
process models:
- Signals: On TPF a signal that is sent to a process
remains unhandled until the process explicitly requests that
signals be handled using the tpf_process_signals()
function. Additionally, the default action for an alarm on
TPF is to take an OPR-7777 dump and exit. (On UNIX the
default is the equivalent of exit() with no dump
taken.) These differences necessitated a few
- bypass the use of ap_block_alarms() &
- add tpf_process_signals() calls
- add select() calls to prevent
Find that function...
Some simple functions & definitions initially needed to be
added on TPF, such as FD_SET(). We've put these in
src/os/tpf/os.h for now.
EBCDIC changes:
TPF-specific conversion tables between US-ASCII and EBCDIC
(character set IBM-1047 to be exact) were created.
Miscellaneous, minor changes:
Various minor changes (such as casting) were made due to
differences in how some functions are implemented on
[ top | Configuration Files |
What's Available | CGI Scripts | Options | Porting Notes ]